>> Van Czar’s Interview on BBBS #020
If you’ve missed Van Czar‘s interview on BBBS Radio last week, we have gotten hold of the transcript for your reading pleasure!
Shout out to the Bonzai Basik Beats Spain Audience, to Eric Powa B who will be on the show soon, and to the Belgian Bonzai Crew!
Catch the next episode >here<
MARY: Welcome to BBBS. To celebrate episode number 20 we have a special interview with its host and director, Van Czar.
Hi Van.
V: Hi Mary.
M: After several months broadcasting the show and the great success it is having in Spain and the rest of the world, how was BBBS created?
V: First of all, I’d like to thank the Bonzai team once again for making me a part of its legend. The idea was born from the need to return the confidence they placed in me. I thought it would be interesting to do a project where Bonzai classics and the new generation of sounds could share a platform and I thought a radio show would be the perfect way to do that. Once I had everything clear I contacted my Belgian colleagues at Bonzai and we defined the programme’s structure. I have to thank them for supporting me from the very beginning. I wanted to make my sets and have guests as well on a regular basis. On our 10th show we had Martin Eyerer (Kling Klong Records), it was difficult to get his interview as during that time he had many trips, but finally he took time out of his busy schedule and we really appreciate it. I would also like to announce that we will have Eric Powa B in our show very soon with a great music selection. I have really good memories playing alongside Eric in Brussels.
M: Van, how was the jingle of the show made?
V: The jingle came to me naturally. First of all I prepared the message … I decided to put my own voice, but when I heard it I wasn’t sure about it at all… lol … Then I changed it, I put the vocal down a few octaves and filled it with lots of sound effects like machines sounds and radio waves ! I finished the jingle in an afternoon, it was fun.
M: The show started with the idea being broadcasted on a single radio in Spain but later it was extended to radio stations in several countries and the recent premiere at Radio Vilasound in Ibiza.
V: Yes Mary, we started with a Spanish radio exclusively, but due to the great expectation and many requests to broadcast the program in other countries, we decided to internationalize BBBS. We are also pleased to have the show in Ibiza on Radio IBIZA PARADISE VILASOUND. It is broadcasted every Saturday night at 12:00 am, on 92.7 FM and online for those who are not lucky enough to be on the WHITE Island!
The audience can also listen to BBBS on Stromkraft Radio. I’d like to send special greetings to Peter and Dirk. The show is broadcasted every Sunday at 7pm.
M: A few days ago your new EP “You & Me” was released with Marcin Czubala remix, who also produces for labels like Mobilee and Tsuba, how was the song created and why did you choose Marcin?
V: Yes Mary, “You & Me” was released on September 26th … The first thing is that the song has nothing to do with what it was at first. I changed the kick and the drums several times in the composition process. I had the melodic base on which I was building a deep and intense atmosphere, something really special. To create melodies I included multiple layers with different instruments to get a surrounding sound. Anyway, after several ideas I changed the notes to reach the final result so the melody changed a lot. Right after that I got in touch with the mysterious PADHME, who gave her amazing voice to this song. Marcin Czubala’s participation is a privilege, he has a great career in the music scene and it was a real pleasure to have his expertise and I am very happy with this work. “You & Me” was released on Eyepatch, one of Bonzai’s deep house labels.
M: Do you have any upcoming projects with Bonzai?
V: I have several projects ongoing. Some of them I can’t reveal and others really special to me.
M: Could you tell us anything about these projects?
V: Yes of course, there is a major project that is about to be finished. It’s called AFRICAN ROOTS, it’s a project to pay tribute to the African continent and in particular to the Congo and Burundi where part of my family was born and lived. I grew up with the magic of that continent and its rhythms. For this project I’ve had Brendon Moeller’s participation, who has also had the experience of the African continent, in South Africa. I have to say it’s been a pleasure to work with him, he got involved from the very beginning and we’ve enjoyed the collaboration. He’s a lovely person and great professional, I am really looking forward to African Roots!
M:. How do you see the Djing nowadays?
V: Well, regarding the DJ’s, many things have changed in the last 20 years. I started DJing with cassette readers, which obviously did not have the speed or PITCH setting. Then I used CD readers, with and without PITCH, until I started to use Technics turntables in clubs. During that time I found it difficult to synchronize the songs without PITCH and facing these difficulties, certain qualities were developed! Now everything seems easier, with new technologies and software, synchronizing can be done automatically. It is also difficult to get a place in the music scene, and it is important to be confident about yourself and the things that you do.
M: What advice would you give to new DJ’s/Producers?
V: As well as feeling confident, they have to be ready for strong competition. My advice is to actually do what they love which is making music, but they will also have to adapt and put the needs of the crowd first before personal preferences! Sometimes we tend to play the tracks that we like, but we have to adapt. They have to work hard to be recognized and be patient. Self-criticism is also important plus you need great skills to excel! Nowadays there are many ways to become known, like releasing sets or songs and sharing them on different free music platforms.
M: What other interests do you have apart from music?
V: To tell you the truth music takes up much of my time. It has always been like that since I was a child, when I’m not producing I am managing things related to Bonzai radio show for forthcoming editions. I listen to the promos I receive from the different labels and I also have to choose the music to play on BBBS radio show, events and many others. Apart from that, I am an enthusiast of History and in my spare time I like to develop myself. I also enjoy the latest video games.
M: To wrap up, do you have a message for the Bonzai Basik Beats Spain audience?
V: I want to thank each and every one of them for being there, and listening every week. We will continue doing our best to help you enjoy this show and keep on dancing!
M: Thank you very much Van, it’s been a pleasure to spend time with you.
V: Thank you Mary.
Mary: Congratulations for your show. We send special greetings to the Bonzai team … Enjoy dear audience the music of Van Czar … See you soon!